Top 12 Software Development Methodologies For Your Projects
Natalia Shpitula

Edited at February 17, 2023


Top 12 Software Development Methodologies For Your Projects

According to TeamStage statistics, 70% of all projects fail because of the lack of management process. Without investing in the proper methodology, the new product development workflow turns into chaos. As a result, most of such releases don’t meet the customer’s needs.

The more processes and people are involved, the higher is the probability of missing vital details. The good news is that implementing reliable different strategies allows you to reduce the failure rate by up to 20%. In this material we will cover the following points:

  • What does software development methodology stand for
  • Approved statistics about why teams have to use it 
  • The most common software development methodologies
  • How to choose a development methodology for your project

Are you ready to boost your team efficiently and increase revenue? Then keep reading this article. 

What Is Software Development Methodology?

Software Development Methodology stands for the programming and developing processes in a project. It’s a full-fledged system that is built based on a certain order of performance of actions. In a nutshell, it is about how you will create and manage the development process. The proper purposes are to:

  • Focus on the value and main goal
  • Create a vision of the future product
  • Predict issues and problems 
  • Increase teams’ productivity and performance

Companies that provide development services offer full-scale development so that, as a result, the client gets a ready-to-work product that doesn’t require any additional efforts. 

Reasons Why Teams Use SDM to Guide Their Project Life Cycle

According to our research, teams that adhere to structured and straightforward plans are more likely to finish projects on time. For example, 73% of companies that use a formal type of project management approach met their main goal. Let’s take a closer look at the benefits of using SDM for the complex project life cycle:

  1. Establishment of clear tasks and deadlines. It allows teams to immediately set and schedule assignments, distribute them and track the progress. 
  2. Risk assessment. Planning avoids possible problems even before they appear. It means that the client is able to save money and time, which is crucial for every business. 
  3. Better efficiency and organization. Since the methodologies take into account the entire project’s life cycle, the workflow becomes straightforward. Programmers spend less time fixing unexpected bugs and solving misunderstandings. 

Top 12 Most Common Software Development Methodologies

Today we will consider 12 methods that you can implement for your projects, their pros and cons, and their usage. 

Lean Methodology

This type of SDM, inspired by Toyota, is about providing value to the customer. It also includes striving for continuous development and improvement, and getting rid of things that don’t work for the result. Let’s take a closer look to each of attributes: 

  • Identify the value. We are talking about the value of solutions you can get after finishing the project. This is the main problem the contractor must solve for the client. 
  • Create a road map. The next step is to visualize the workflow during which value is created for the customer. It will help to identify the vital processes and discard those that have no worth. 
  • Create an ongoing workflow. It means any obstacles should not stop the entire work process and lead to financial or other losses. 
Pros Cons
Reduce side and useless actions to focus on vital points.Requires a skilled team. 
Increase productivity through the definition of the main goal and specific actions. Need heavily detailed documentation to prevent mistakes. 
Use resources more efficiently and save your time and money. Delays in time may occur since the task is done gradually and not in advance.

Waterfall Methodology

The Waterfall is a fundamental and straightforward approach that stands for an organized stage of work in a cascade, just like a falling waterfall. It means that each step smoothly and logically transfers to the next. The process is gradual, which reduces the number of unexpected errors. 

Pros Cons
All steps are detailed and filled with information before the actual start of work.Not suitable for projects with rapidly changing requirements that are timely-consuming and costly. 
Easy to understand and use since all the stages are clearly defined. The linearity of the method eliminates errors. Teams have to start from the beginning if something goes wrong.
High efficiency is ensured by checking the work done at each stage. 

Spiral Methodology

The spiral type stands for risk management and includes pieces from other models, for example, Waterfall. In this framework, every stage starts with goal setting, and after finishing the customer checks the results. 

Pros Cons
Suits large projects with a lot of variables. Requires a skilled analytic that can work with data and predict risks.
Apply changes at any stage without additional risk. Complicated documentation, which requires your time and resources. 
Get a ready-to-use solution faster according to the possibility of adding new features systematically. Can’t be implemented for small projects according to its cost. 

Agile Methodology

Agile transformation is the changeover process, which stands for flexible workflow organization. With Sprints, which are short-term iterations, the workflow becomes more well-organized.

To quote the statistics, agile teams are 25% more efficient than those who don’t use this model. It’s all thanks to four underlying points: 

  • Teamwork is a priority. In this case, working together, communicating well, sharing information and trusting each other is the basis for agile.
  • Cooperation with the customer. The client’s request is a top concern for the team. 
  • Flexible scheduling. It allows team members to work more efficiently and rapidly since they can plan their workflow, decide which task is more crucial, etc. 
Pros Cons
Less documentation work so developers can focus on their main tasks.At the same time, the lack of documents is a disadvantage in process management.  
Transparency allows team members to improve their communication, strive for mutual understanding.Varying goals means that the system is not straightforward, so the deadlines can be missed.
The final product will 100% meet the customer’s request according to the methodology’s flexibility. It’s harder to predict over time because the team can make changes according to customer feedback.

Scrum Methodology

As the Scrum Alliance report says, 78% of people who use Scrum would recommend it to their colleagues and other workers. According to the Agile framework model called Scrum, all decisions should be based on observation and previous experience. The main purpose of a successful project is to start with “what can be seen and known” and continue to track the progress in a long-term prospect. 

Pros Cons
A straightforward structure allows teams to easily operate and manage the development process.Work process depends on the team, if one person stops working or does not perform it properly, delays can occur.  
Continuous improvement is achieved by collecting feedback from the customer during each sprint. Since there are no deadlines, there is no final term for the product’s presentation. 
The final product reaches the client faster, and new features are released gradually. Scrum doesn’t require interim tests, so it can affect the product’s quality. 

Prototyping Methodology

This type of SDM is identified as a developing process when the team doesn’t know the project’s requirements. Developers create a prototype, test it, and improve according to the customer’s wishes. Right after refining the coolest option, it starts the engineering process. 

Pros Cons
A flexible process allows for modification of the project with customer edits.   This method requires much time and effort to create a prototype.   
Creating a prototype is a time-saving option that prevents errors.The deadlines can’t be precisely set. 
A prototype allows us to identify and fix issues in time. Prototyping involves continuous interaction with the customer. 

Extreme Programming Methodology

Extreme Programming commonly includes short sprints as an Agile, but tasks are done according to priority. The main purpose of using XP is to develop the best product that can be delivered to the customer. XP’s values are about communication, simplicity, feedback, respect, and courage. 

Pros Cons
The final code will be clear and easy to modify.The customer is highly involved in the process.
Changes in the project can be made constantly.Focus on code rather than on design.
Comfort for employees who perform tasks at their own speed. Lack of QA testing may cause bugs and errors. 

Behavior Driven Development (BDD)

The definition says that BDD, as an agile method, stands for meeting unique business needs. This method focuses on the users, their experience, and how the software works. After all the tests, the customer ensures that the developments will be effective. 

Pros Cons
Good communication means less errors and misunderstandings. This method is not suitable for large time-consuming projects.
Reduce waste and cost by focusing on the features that bring main value.Complicated documentation according to the big amount of files.
Automate testing allows teams to focus on more complicated tasks.The customer is highly involved in the development process.

Dynamic Systems Development Model

 DSDM is an Agile method that covers the entire product development process. The main practices for this model stands for focusing on the business needs, delivering tasks on time, setting the quality as a priority, etc.

Pros Cons
Good communication reduces confusion and lack of data. The need of implementing an additional structure to provide a better workflow.
Increased team efficiency and less time spent on developing processes.This method requires skilled and experienced teams.
Better work organization due to available strategies and tools.It requires a lot of resources and investments. 

Rapid Application Development (RAD Model)

The RAD model is based on prototyping and focuses on the development instead of traditional planning. There are five following stages:

  • Business Modeling
  • Data Modeling
  • Process Modeling
  • Application Generation
  • Testing and Turnover
Pros Cons
Adaptive to change and agile.It’s not suitable for small projects.
Allows teams to reduce the risks.Requires experienced developers.
Fewer errors may occur due to the natural prototyping. It is not suitable for projects with increased risks.

Rational Unified Process (RUP) Methodology

RUP process stands for an agile software method that divides the project life cycle into four stages: inception, elaboration, construction, and transition. The methodology is focused on reducing errors to prevent losses in the further steps. 

Pros Cons
Allows the team to adapt to the client’s requirements.It’s not suitable for limited budget products.
Accurate documentation is required. The complicity of the method makes it harder to implement for small projects.
Communication allows one to resolve confusion quickly.

DevOps Methodology

The goal of DevOps is to produce a streamlined program production process. This method integrates software development (Dev) with IT operations and covers the whole product life cycle.

Pros Cons
Fast programs development and modeling according to the market and business needs.Requires skilled DevOps experts.
Better user experience and satisfaction.Need of time and resources to implement new methods.
Improved productivity and communication.Requires investments in tools and techs to teach the team. 

How to choose a development methodology for a project?

Choosing a model is quite a challenging task. To do this, you need to study in detail each of the types, and how modern and relevant they are in achieving the goals. Don’t pay attention only to the how popular the method is to make a better choice, follow these rules: 

  • Define the features of your project and request.
  • Identify your target audience that will use your software.
  • Evaluate rigid deadlines, managers, and professionals you need.
  • Start implementing the SDM.

Since so many stages require your time and resources, delegate them to professionals. With Talentica, you will receive a formed team of professionals to start the project as soon as possible.

Click the button below and start the collaboration!

To Summarize

To make the development and coding process effective and suitable for your company, pay attention to the features of each SDM type. Since there is no unique method, usually, teams use a set of methodologies. 

Experienced and skilled developers easily operate with different techniques and apply them due to the develop project’s features. Contact Talentica for collaboration, and get a full-fledged solution for your idea.


  • What are the alternative methods of system development?

    According to the research, the alternative methods include, as for examples, prototyping, computer-aided software engineering (CASE), joint application design (JAD), participatory design (PD), etc.

  • How is agile different from the waterfall?

    Agile is used for developing web apps or software in a sprints method, therefore, the project will be finished sooner. Waterfall is known as a linear approach that requires full understanding of the project before the actual start. Primarily, it’s not as flexible as agile, since teams have to finish each step before going further.

  • What are two most common software development methodologies?

    To provide an objective opinion, let’s refer to the statistics. According to the GoodFirms report, there are three main approaches when it comes to SDM: Agile, Scrum, and Waterfall.

February 17, 2023


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